In Studio Sessions -- $125
In-studio sessions include any of our custom, hand-painted backgrounds, as well as the front porch, outdoor garden or pond. Also, included are areas that are within walking distance of the studio.
Location Sessions -- $200
Location sessions include anywhere that we must travel in order to create your portrait. All location session meet a $250 minimum purchase requirement.
Your session fee covers the materials and time required to photograph your session. It is payable in addition to your portrait order and is due on or before your session. Sessions that include more than one person include individual as well as group images unless specifically stated. A session includes approximately 35 images from the entire session. This includes the individual and group shots. Should you need a complete set of images per subject, you will need to schedule multiple sessions.
· All sessions are for a minimum of one hour. However, we do prefer to schedule two hour sessions for newborns.
· You are invited to arrive early in order to dress or prepare for your session. We have a dressing area in which to change and make yourself comfortable.
· Please be courteous to Jennifer, as well as those clients who have appointments following yours, by arriving on time to your appointment. If you should arrive late, please be aware that there is generally an appointment following yours and we cannot extend your appointment to cover tardiness. It will be necessary to reschedule your appointment if you are more than 15 minutes late.
Session Previews
Approximately 1 week following your session, you will be contacted when your previews arrive in studio. Jennifer & Company is very proud f the fact that we continue to offer actual printed previews for our clients. Many of today’s photographers have moved to high pressure sales techniques using only timed slide shows. We believe in allowing our customers to share their previews with friends and family by offering the opportunity to take your previews home. We feel home is a much more comfortable environment for you and your family to make these important decisions.
However, for those of you who need the more “technological advanced” option, we do also offer online proofing as well as a projection system on which we can project your favorite images actual size. Simply let us know at your session whether you prefer printed or online previews. Also, for a $30 fee, you may choose to have both printed and online previews.
All previews do require a $200 deposit before either leaving the studio or being posted online, as they are the property of Jennifer & Company. At the time of your order, your deposit will be applied, in its entirety, toward your final invoice balance. You may purchase proofs after you reach the minimum purchase of $200.
Delivery Times
Orders can vary significantly based on quantity and the amount of retouching needed. For this reason, delivery time is never guaranteed. Orders generally arrive two to ten weeks after the time of order placement, depending on the time of year and our current workflow.
Please remember that it is ILLEGAL and not nice to copy ANY of Jennifer & Company images.
The copyright act protects photographers by giving the author of the photograph the exclusive right to reproduce your photographs. This includes the right to control the making of copies. It is illegal to copy or reproduce your photographs elsewhere without permission, and violators of this federal law will be subject to civil and criminal penalties. Please contact us regarding duplications, as we will try to accommodate all reasonable requests.